Saturday 20 October 2012

Interesting Story For Kids Tonight

Dear Kids! Enjoy this interesting story about butterfly.

Precious Gift


                     Julia was in 2nd grade. She was a very intelligent girl but she spent most of her time in other activities and didn’t like her studies. She was very fond of catching butterflies so she spent most of her time in the garden after coming back from school. It was her routine to catch a butterfly and then to sit on the grass of the garden. Sometimes she used to talk to them
“Beautiful butterfly! Please be my friend.”
She used to repeat many times this sentence but never got an answer.
“I like your color and wings”
She used to carry on her communication and then whenever the butterfly found a loose grip she flew away at once and then Julia used to search for another butterfly.
                  Her mother told her many times that she should give more time to her studies but she never realized it. One day Julia didn’t catch a butterfly in hours. She was badly tired. Her face was red due to sunlight and hot weather. She sat on the grass to take the rest and then suddenly she saw a butterfly sitting near her feet. Julia forgot all about her tiredness and caught the butterfly gently and softly. This was the most beautiful butterfly she ever saw. Julia repeated her sentence
“Will you be my friend?”
“I’ll be happy to be your friend”
The butterfly replied immediately. Julia was stunned to hear this. She was not believing this. She asked again
“Will you really be my friend?”
“Yes I will”
Julia was overjoyed now. She continued
“What’s your name? Will you talk to me also?”
“My name is butterfly queen. I am your friend from now. I’ll meet you daily here. But there is one condition”
“What it is”
Julia asked impatiently.
“If you will obey your Mom, will work hard in your studies and be a good girl. Then I’ll remain your friend otherwise I’ll leave you.”
“I accept all your conditions but please be my friend and come to me daily.”
“I’ll come daily now don’t waste your time for other butterflies”
“Ok! Tomorrow I’ll come at this place right at this time.”
                  Julia went to her mother and started his studies. After that day Julia became a good girl and obeyed her Mom. They are still good friends and are living a very happy life.

1 comment:

    That's my blogge hope you share ur stories with me


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